Hunderfossen lørdag 1.juni
Dommer: Katrien van Gemert, Nederland
BIR: Galottens Nota Bene – BIM: Praxtar’s Lady Ga Ga

BIR valp: Il Granaio dei Malatesta Jegermeister

Dommer Katrien van Gemert sendte oss noen ord i etterkant av utstillingen:
First of all I would express my appreciation for the lovely atmosphere and accommodation during your yearly clubshow. A well put together event with a large ring and experienced stewards made it all easy.
I was fortunate to judge a quality entry of lagotto and was pleased to find several dogs that were very competitive with each other. On another day the second-best male and female could have easily been the winner as the difference between these individual dogs was very small.
My best of breed winner was a dog showing a lot of breed specific attributes that I value; correct length of leg, well-shaped head. The young female that I awarded best of opposite specifically impressed me when standing as she needs time to settle on the move. Both dogs were a bit different in type but both with a correct silhouette and correct head.Overall, I would like to give back that there is still room to improve the length of leg on the individual dogs. Remember the lagotto is a square breed with a bit longer leg that the chest is deep. These well described breed characteristics are important to create the desirable silhouette and make the difference between the lagotto and the other waterdogs.
The coat quality could improve to strengthen breed type, the same could be said for heads; specifically the shape of the scull, strength of muzzle and shape and color of the eyes need attention.
Despite the fact I made these marks, I was fortunate to find overall very nice dogs that displayed the correct temperament.
Katrien van Gemert
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