Hunderfossen søndag 2.juni
Dommer: Alessandro Zeppi, Italia
BIR: Fhadoni’s Jumping Jenna – BIM: Gleska Highly Addictive

BIR valp: Il Granaio Dei Malatesta Jegermeister

Beste veteran: Rozebottel’s Oh So Lucky

Beste oppdretter: PRAXTAR`S

Noen ord fra dommer Alessandro Zeppi i etterkant av utstillingen:
It was an honour and great pleasure for me to be invited to judge for the Norwegian LagottoClub.
I am very grateful to the show committee for this kind invitation and a fantastic opportunity for me to judge my beloved breed and did the seminar.
I would also like to thank my two stewards for their cheerful assistance and all exhibitors for their entries, for the excellent presentation of their dogs and for their sporting acceptance of my decision. Quality of Lagotto was high, I gave few very good and good. My class winner but even placed dogs could have a chance to win in many show. I can say that the breeders of Lagotto are really on the right way and have been doing a fantastic job on the way of their improvement in Norway.
I hope to meet again you soon.
Alessandro Zeppi
En stor takk til som sponset oss med mye godt til årets utstilling.